netcdf nexrad/level2/TMCO/20241206/Level2_TMCO_20241206_2125.ar2v { // global attributes: :Station = "TMCO"; :StationName = "unknown"; :StationLatitude = 0.0; // double :StationLongitude = 0.0; // double :StationElevationInMeters = 0.0; // double :geospatial_lat_min = 0.0; // double :geospatial_lat_max = 0.0; // double :geospatial_lon_min = 0.0; // double :geospatial_lon_max = 0.0; // double :Conventions = "_Coordinates"; :format = "AR2V0008"; :cdm_data_type = "RADIAL"; :base_date = "2024-12-06"; :time_coverage_start = "2024-12-06T21:25:05Z"; :time_coverage_end = "2024-12-06T21:25:25Z"; :history = "Direct read of Nexrad Level 2 file into CDM"; :DataType = "Radial"; :Title = "Nexrad Level 2 Station TMCO from 2024-12-06T21:25:05Z to 2024-12-06T21:25:25Z"; :Summary = "Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) Level II data are the three meteorological base data quantities: reflectivity, mean radial velocity, and spectrum width."; :keywords = "WSR-88D; NEXRAD; Radar Level II; reflectivity; mean radial velocity; spectrum width"; :VolumeCoveragePatternName = "unknown 90"; :VolumeCoveragePattern = 90; // int :HorizontalBeamWidthInDegrees = 1.5; // double }