netcdf satellite/GOES/GOES16/PRREGI/Channel02/20240609/GOES16_PRREGI_20240609_110019_0.64_500m_17.4N_67.5W.nc4 { dimensions: y = 3560; x = 3900; variables: int time; :units = "seconds since 2017-01-01"; :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "The start date / time that the satellite began capturing the scene"; :axis = "T"; :calendar = "standard"; short Sectorized_CMI(y=3560, x=3900); :_FillValue = 0S; // short :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :units = "1"; :grid_mapping = "fixedgrid_projection"; :add_offset = 0.0f; // float :scale_factor = 3.1746E-4f; // float :valid_min = 0S; // short :valid_max = 4095S; // short :percent_good_pixel_qf = 1.0f; // float :percent_conditionally_usable_pixel_qf = 0.0f; // float :percent_out_of_range_pixel_qf = 0.0f; // float :percent_no_value_pixel_qf = 0.0f; // float :percent_focal_plane_temperature_threshold_exceeded_qf = 0.0f; // float :maximum_focal_plane_temperature = -999.0f; // float :coordinates = "time y x"; :_ChunkSizes = 2048U, 2048U; // uint short y(y=3560); :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate"; :units = "microradian"; :scale_factor = -14.0; // double :add_offset = 77273.0; // double short x(x=3900); :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate"; :units = "microradian"; :scale_factor = 13.99999999999909; // double :add_offset = -5452.999999999999; // double int fixedgrid_projection; :grid_mapping_name = "geostationary"; :latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0; // double :longitude_of_projection_origin = -75.00000000000001; // double :semi_major = 6378137.0; // double :semi_major_axis = 6378137.0; // double :semi_minor = 6356752.31414; // double :semi_minor_axis = 6356752.31414; // double :perspective_point_height = 3.5786023E7; // double :sweep_angle_axis = "x"; // global attributes: :title = "Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Imagery for the EPRREGIM6 region."; :ICD_version = "GROUND SEGMENT (GS) TO ADVANCED WEATHER INTERACTIVE PROCESSING SYSTEM (AWIPS) INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT (ICD) Revision B"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :channel_id = 2; // int :central_wavelength = 0.64f; // float :abi_mode = 6; // int :source_scene = "FullDisk"; :periodicity = 10.0f; // float :production_location = "WCDAS"; :product_name = "PRREGI-005-B12-M6C02"; :satellite_id = "GOES-16"; :product_center_latitude = 17.38312930031018; // double :product_center_longitude = -67.54277540076254; // double :projection = "Fixed Grid"; :bit_depth = 12; // int :source_spatial_resolution = 0.5f; // float :request_spatial_resolution = 0.5f; // float :start_date_time = "2024161110019"; :number_product_tiles = 4; // int :product_tile_width = 2048; // int :product_tile_height = 2048; // int :product_rows = 3560; // int :product_columns = 3900; // int :pixel_x_size = 0.5; // double :pixel_y_size = 0.5; // double :satellite_latitude = 0.0; // double :satellite_longitude = -75.0; // double :satellite_altitude = 3.5786023E7; // double :created_by = "ldm-alchemy"; :product_tiles_received = 4L; // long }