netcdf terminal/level3/NCR/DEN/20240608/Level3_DEN_NCR_20240608_0445.nids { dimensions: x = 464; y = 464; textStringSizeg8 = 1; variables: byte BaseReflectivityComp_RAW(y=464, x=464); :long_name = "CREF Composite ReflectivityNCR"; :units = "dBz"; :_CoordinateAxes = "x y time latitude longitude altitude"; float BaseReflectivityComp(y=464, x=464); :long_name = "CREF Composite ReflectivityNCR"; :units = "dBz"; :_CoordinateAxes = "x y time latitude longitude altitude"; double x(x=464); :long_name = "projection x coordinate"; :units = "km"; :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX"; double y(y=464); :long_name = "projection y coordinate"; :units = "km"; :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY"; char FlatEarth; :grid_mapping_name = "flat_earth"; :latitude_of_projection_origin = 37.66181934208161; // double :longitude_of_projection_origin = -107.21386121212863; // double :rotationAngle = 0.0; // double :earth_radius = 6371229.0; // double :_CoordinateTransformType = "Projection"; :_CoordinateAxes = "x y"; Structure { short strValue; :units = ""; short x_start; :units = "KM"; short y_start; :units = "KM"; String textString; :units = ""; } textStruct_code8gg(textStringSizeg8=1); :long_name = "text and special symbol for code 8"; // global attributes: :title = "Nexrad Level 3 Data"; :keywords = "WSR-88D; NIDS"; :creator_name = "NOAA/NWS"; :creator_url = ""; :naming_authority = "NOAA/NCDC"; :Divider = -1S; // short :RadarLatitude = 39.727; // double :RadarLongitude = -104.526; // double :RadarAltitude = 1737.6648; // double :ProductStation = "DEN"; :ProductStationName = "XXX"; :OperationalMode = 2S; // short :VolumeCoveragePatternName = 80S; // short :SequenceNumber = 14228S; // short :VolumeScanNumber = 45S; // short :DateCreated = "2024-06-08T04:48:26Z"; :ElevationNumber = 0S; // short :NumberOfMaps = 256S; // short :summary = "Nexrad level 3 data are WSR-88D radar products.NCRis a raster image of composite reflectivity"; :keywords_vocabulary = "NCR"; :conventions = "_Coordinates"; :format = "Level3/NIDS"; :geospatial_lat_min = 37.66182f; // float :geospatial_lat_max = 41.79218f; // float :geospatial_lon_min = -101.83814f; // float :geospatial_lon_max = -107.21386f; // float :geospatial_vertical_min = 1737.6648f; // float :geospatial_vertical_max = 1737.6648f; // float :RadarElevationNumber = -1; // int :time_coverage_start = "2024-06-08T04:45:35Z"; :time_coverage_end = "2024-06-08T04:45:35Z"; :data_min = 0.0f; // float :data_max = 44.0f; // float :isRadial = 3; // int :cdm_data_type = "GRID"; }