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Dataset { Byte Reflectivity[scanR = 16][radialR = 360][gateR = 1390]; Int32 timeR[scanR = 16][radialR = 360]; Float32 elevationR[scanR = 16][radialR = 360]; Float32 azimuthR[scanR = 16][radialR = 360]; Float32 distanceR[gateR = 1390]; Int32 numRadialsR[scanR = 16]; Int32 numGatesR[scanR = 16]; Byte RadialVelocity[scanV = 15][radialV = 360][gateV = 592]; Int32 timeV[scanV = 15][radialV = 360]; Float32 elevationV[scanV = 15][radialV = 360]; Float32 azimuthV[scanV = 15][radialV = 360]; Float32 distanceV[gateV = 592]; Int32 numRadialsV[scanV = 15]; Int32 numGatesV[scanV = 15]; Byte SpectrumWidth[scanV = 15][radialV = 360][gateV = 592]; } nexrad/level2/TRDU/20241123/Level2_TRDU_20241123_2250.ar2v;